We wish to notify that based on the latest notice from the Government of Samoa last week which while Samoa will remain under Alert Level 2, Public gatherings are now open but with the public being encouraged to maintain social distancing, wearing of facial masks and showing of vaccination cards, your council thus advice that we have now rescheduled our AGM to be convened on Wednesday 25th May 2022 with the same venue maintained for the Taumeasina Island Resort Conference centre with the meeting to start at 4:00pm.   

As part of the preventative measures, we would require that all members to be in attendance at the AGM that date shall undertake RAT tests please.  Your Institute will be making available the RAT kits for this purpose and we thus implore on your earlier attendance at the venue prior to the meeting to have the tests done.  We shall have the tests done from 3:00-4:00pm.  We trust your understanding.

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